銀 章 (限時七分半鐘)

1. 直線球
考生須將球擊至圖中影區 , 正負手連續各打十次。

2. 發球

3. 側牆球
考生須將球輕拋向後牆 , 便其再彈至己方側牆後落地始將球擊出 , 落點與銅章相同。正負手各打出兩球。

4. 直線截擊球
考生須站在球場中央短線後之位置 , 正負手兩邊各連續打出四球。

考生站於球場中央位置 , 自行以反向側球方式餵球 , 於球著地後?出 , 落點必須在牆腳或近牆腳之側牆處。正負手各打1球。

6. "8" 字形練習
與銅章相同 , 但須連續擊打共十二次。

7. 體能測試
a. 直線來回跑 (1分鐘20次 x 3組)
b. 掌上壓 (15下 x 3組)



All exercises to be completed correctly in the given time.
Time Allowed: 7 - 1/2 minutes.

1. Drive
10 backhand and 10 forehand straight drives in succession with ball bouncing in or behind the service box.

2. Service
Under arm lob service with the ball hitting the side wall high and bouncing on the floor behind the service box.
3 from the left box
3 from the right box

3. Boast
2 forehand and 2 backhand boasts by throwing ball at eye level gently into back wall, so as to bounce onto side wall, allow ball to bounce then complete exercise. The boast must hit 2 walls - side wall, front wall, then floor near the nick.

4. Volley
4 forehand and 4 backhand volleys in succession. Straight volleys with the pupil standing on the TEE behind the short line.

5. Drop Shot
1 backhand and 1 forehand shot from centre TEE position. Set up with reverse boast, then moving forward play a drop shot to front wall - side wall down near the nick.

6. Figure Eight
Standing on the TEE play the ball in a continuous stroking motion by hitting alternately into the backhand and forehand front wall each time, then onto the side wall. Ball must only bounce on floor once after each stroke. Complete 6 backhands
and 6 forehands

7. Fitness test
a. court running (1 minute for 20 times x 3 sets)
b. push up (15 times x 3 sets)